Don't miss your chance to order
Dr. Clyde Kwok's NEW book . . .
This is your chance to order Dr. Clyde Kwok's new book Without Borders
We are very proud to announce the release of another wonderful book by Dr. Clyde Kwok. The retired Concordia University professor of mechanical engineering has had an abiding love of Calligraphy and Philosophy has turned that appreciation into a new work of art.
Don't delay . . . order your copy today.
Without Borders
Books . . .
Without Borders / Spirited Calligraphy
For Whom the Poetry Rhymes

Buy - The Digital eBook $8.88
You can order a PDF version that you can download right away and read on your computer.

Buy - Hardcover Printed Book $50.00
You can pre-order a printed book that will be shipped to you.
What readers say?
I indeed marvel at how much wisdom you have been able to share with so few words. Not too unlike the experience in reading the Bible. I feel that with each read one will gain additional knowledge and new insights…
Larry, Toronto
My brother Clyde Kwok spent many years of research and created this book. He used many proverbs and good sayings by famous people and wrote them down with his handsome calligraphy which he practice with dedication for decades. He put those phrases in print in both Chinese and translated them into English and carefully explained them according to his philosophy. His purpose is to pass on the wisdom and decent virtues to our younger generations to build good characters and hopefully to guide them to follow suit to become better citizens, live simply, develop good habits and help to make the world a better place to live in. Hope you find this valuable and appreciate the art work and calligraphy.
Angie, Hong Kong
“People who dream impossible dreams and strive to achieve them raise humankind’s stature irrespective of the outcome…”
Clyde, Montreal